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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • VPN drains my phone battery like crazy, plus eventually I’d like to be able to share my services with some less technical people, and want to keep the barrier to entry low for them, so I’ve been looking at what I’d want in order to be comfortable exposing services publicly.

    Services are running on Truenas Scale (k3s).

    What I’ve been thinking is:

    1. Isolate services’ network access to each other and to my local network.
    2. Reverse proxy in front of all services (probably Caddy)
    3. Coraza as a WAF
    4. Crowdsec Caddy module
    5. Some sort of auth layer in the proxy, like oauth2-proxy (kind of tricky because not every service would work well with this, especially without client support). Probably would start with a 3rd party identity provider rather than rolling my own, especially since 3rd party will probably do a lot more monitoring around logins, patterns, etc.

    Thinking of hosting the reverse proxy piece on a VPS. Probably not completely necessary because I don’t think hiding my home IP really buys me much security, but Caddy might be easier to configure on the VPS compared to Truenas (though I guess I could run it in a VM on Truenas).

    Each app could run a wireguard sidecar to connect it to the VPS.

    Curious what others think about this setup, or if the recommendation is still to keep things behind a VPN.

  • I think it’s a pretty fair comparison because in order to get the lifespan that I expect out of my hardware (3-5+ years), on Android I need to install a custom ROM just to get security updates.

    Meanwhile Apple is still publishing updates for devices even 10 years old sometimes.

    Yes, I know Google is starting to commit to 5 years of security updates, but if you bought a Pixel phone last year (like I did) then there’s a decent chance that yours still only came with 3 years of updates. So if you want a similar level of service then you end up having to do a lot of work yourself to make it happen.