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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • BlameThePeacock@lemmy.catoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldAstounding absurdity
    2 months ago

    Unsarcastically, yes.

    Capitalism can be great, if given the correct regulations to improve quality of life for everyone.

    I will say however, that not all industries should be handled by capitalism, there are a few big ones where market competition simply doesn’t work due to inherent physical flaws (like for example needing to run five sets of water pipes to your house if you wanted to have choice among water providers)

  • A lot of people misunderstand economic systems by anthropomorphizing (it means to give them human characteristics) them, giving them the illusion of thought or feeling.

    Capitalism doesn’t care at all about humans, it’s not human, it doesn’t think, it doesn’t feel. It has no concept of right or wrong.

    Capitalism says “what is most profitable”, do that. If killing someone to make money is the most profitable, it’s supposed to go ahead and do it, and it absolutely DOES already do this on a daily basis.

    Now clearly, that’s going to give us some really fucking bad outcomes from a human perspective. So government regulation is how we attempt to prevent corporations from doing these bad things.

    If we tell a company: “if you kill people it will cost $X” and $X would reduce their profit below “most profitable” they will stop doing it.

    If we want to fix the bad stuff corporations are doing, simply put a larger cost on those things. It’s that simple. Pollution, Safety, Health, whatever… price the negative externalities (economic speak for bad things humans don’t want) properly and the market will sort itself out.

  • It’s frequently the best tool for the job BECAUSE they already have it. If you need another tool, with another login, with more licensing costs, and more training time, and more support, it’s often a worse option even if it has more features.

    If they’re trying to spin up an intranet and share some files within the organization, it’s absolutely amazing. If they want a simple database containing active work items for a small team to process, it can do that too. If they want a central place to see who’s currently on vacation… SharePoint’s got you covered.

    If you’re trying to use it as a ERP system, it ain’t going to work. If they want a full fledged CRM, also a bad idea.

    SharePoint can meet at least 80% of the requirements for most office business processes involving files, pages, or single database tables, and it can do it for 20% of the cost/effort of dedicated software. If you want all the bells and whistles, that ain’t going to cut it though.

  • I think a lot of that is a lack of knowledge around it’s capabilities, it’s not as flexible as other systems, but at the same time it’s absolutely amazing at doing certain things really fast and easily. I have thousands of people using systems I’ve built in SharePoint and more than half of them don’t even know it’s SharePoint. They just pop in, use it, and get out.

  • Maybe, just maybe, those are bad ideas. Which is why Israel has chosen it’s current tactics.

    Sending in troops to clear individual buildings is dangerous as fuck, go ask the Americans about what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan when they tried that. Why sacrifice Israeli lives to preserve Palestinians who are supporting Hamas by allowing them to be in their living spaces?

    Ground penetrating radar? Are you fucking high? The Israelis and Egyptians a lot better tech than that and it still isn’t stopping them. There are hundreds or thousands of these tunnels, with new ones constantly being constructed. The US tries this too, they’ve found hundreds and there are still plenty they haven’t found.

  • Israel literally spent billions of dollars building a wall, and even a missile defence system… How much more defensive do you want Israel to be before they get tired of getting punched and retaliate?

    Palestinians got around them anyways and killed almost a thousand Israeli civilians.

    Would you let you neighbor come over to your house every day and punch you without retaliation despite you installing a fence and an alarm system?

    Hamas is hiding in the same buildings as civilians and using them as human shields, it’s literally guerilla warfare 101. They are winning the propaganda war because of this, and they did it very intentionally.

    The west is going to keep supporting Israel, and it has nothing to do with goodwill. Governments understand this isn’t a civil war, this isn’t even about Palestinians, it’s part of a larger geopolitical battle between the west on one side, and Iran and other middle eastern nations on the other.

    Yea it sucks that Palestinians are caught in the crossfire, but this could end very quickly if the supply of weapons being smuggled to Palestinians was cut off. Instead, Iran and others will keep building tunnels from Egypt and smuggling rockets and ammo in for them to keep the fighting going.