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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • That’s a part of it. Another part is that it looks for patterns that it can apply in other places, which is how it ends up hallucinating functions that don’t exist and things like that.

    Like it can see that English has the verbs add, sort, and climb. And it will see a bunch of code that has functions like add(x, y) and sort( list ) and might conclude that there must also be a climb( thing ) function because that follows the pattern of functions being verb( objects ). It didn’t know what code is or even verbs for that matter. It could generate text explaining them because such explanations are definitely part of its training, but it understands it in the same way a dictionary understands words or an encyclopedia understands the concepts contained within.

  • And then at some point, games started saving inside documents. Ok, it makes sense to have game save files in a user area instead of a subfolder in the game install area, but they aren’t documents. Just make a new game saves folder or something like that, don’t just stick all my game save files in the same area, cluttering up my own organization.

    Though I did solve it kinda by just making a new documents subfolder in my documents where I put my actual documents.

  • (Sarcasm/deadpan detected but I’ll respond anyways).

    Not when they are visibly the same and the spaces have no other meaning in that context.

    Not to mention tabs being annoying in general because of how badly it works to adjust the distance of tab stops. That doesn’t really affect this particular case, but it’s why I generally use spaces instead of tabs.

    Most of the annoyance is from vim recognizing that spaces are an error in makefile recipes but still using them unless I copy paste a tab in, including when I hit enter on a line that is using a tab already. It matches the indentation but uses spaces instead of tabs. I’m sure there’s a way to adjust vim config to fix this, but I have yet to acquire the esoteric knowledge required to do so.

  • Also, by dividing by a number between 0 and 1, you increase the amount it looks like it billed. So income will look like it’s higher than outgoing funds, which will raise suspicions of embezzlement. And if someone actually is embezzling, whatever accounting tricks they’ve been using to hide it might just stop working because everything might need to be examined with a fine tooth comb. “Oh, the billing numbers aren’t right, and also it turns out the invoice numbers aren’t right either. Billing issue was tracked to a hack, but what’s going on with these invoices?”

  • I was also curious about this and just had a chat with gpt 3.5 about it, and it gave an example of “a bank collecting data to detect and prevent fraud” as a valid legitimate interest and “a company collecting data to sell to advertisers” as an invalid legitimate interest.

    It also said that legitimate interests must be explained, as on what interests they are, why they are considered legitimate, how the processing of that data accomplishes that interest and any potential impact it has on the user’s privacy and freedom.

    Based on this, I think “legitimate interest” is being used as a reason instead of a category that covers genetic legitimate reasons that should still be explained, not hand waved as “legitimate interest”.

    Though I believe this only applies in the context of the GPDR (because the bot specifically mentioned it), and might vary in other jurisdictions.

  • Yeah, anytime someone mentions just punishes users, I’m reminded of the time this was really driven home for me.

    I was working for a company that did developed tools that worked adjacent to other software and needed to install one piece of software to test my component intended for that program. After using that software at work, I decided to also use it to generate data for a personal project I was doing for fun at home and pirated it.

    At work, we obviously used a legit copy and had a business partnership with the company. Their DRM required a dongle and running server software on the machine with the dongle that would issue licenses to clients. I forget the specifics, but we had some problems and it took a few weeks of emailing back and forth with someone from support before I was actually able to get the software running.

    At home, I just ran a crack and had it running the same day I decided to use it.

    All their fancy DRM just turned into a pain in the ass for the legitimate use and a complete non-issue for those doing what it was intended to prevent in the first place.

  • This has been effective for me, too, though I haven’t put that much effort towards it. I lose interest and change my mind about wanting to be on the phone for very long, but I’ll engage with them. Like question why they are asking for my name if they called claiming there was a warrant for me, or similar situations where they are asking for information that they should have if the call was legit. Their goal isn’t to call people and annoy them, they want easy money from stupid people (and tbh, I don’t have much sympathy for those dumb enough to fall for it).

    If you slow them down in their system, they seem to have another system to help filter people like you out.