Software Engineer, Linux Enthusiast, OpenRGB Developer, and Gamer Profile:

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2021


  • CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.mltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldMy ex wants me back
    6 months ago

    I mean, they have the money. They could build their own fiber network. They already have the permits, pole access, equipment, maintenance network, distribution network, utility boxes, etc. that they could leverage to build a truly modern network infrastructure in parallel to their outdated coaxial one if they wanted to stay relevant in this century, but they don’t. They stick with their shitty cable and its shitty uplink limitations and let much smaller third parties spend all that money to get their own permits, equipment, etc. and build their own fiber networks that can actually deliver the performance people want. Then Spectrum cries like the crybaby they are when everyone abandons their ancient infrastructure when competition arrives. Hell no I don’t want to stick around for your lame “gigabit” cable with a pathetic 20mbps uplink.

    I had to yell at them on the phone to cancel when I switched to symmetric gigabit fiber last summer after over a decade of 200/20 Spectrum. They said “but wait we can offer gigabit too” and I said that what they were selling was theoretically impossible to match what I had. Garbage company selling inferior product. I’m glad they’re starting to see real competition in more and more places from smaller fiber companies.

  • Instead of just stating this as the inevitable future, why not join us in realizing that this is a problem and push to do something about it? We all realize that physical media and ownership of content is going away, but we can push back by not buying into subscription models and buying what physical or at least one-time-purchase digital content we can while it is still around.

    Your new car may not have a CD player, but external disc drives are still readily available. Buy up a CD collection (of lossless, DRM-free music I might add) and rip them all to FLAC files and keep them on today’s dirt cheap giant hard drives. Now you can play them on your phone, car, laptop, Steam Deck, retro iPod, smart fridge, etc.

    Same goes for DVDs and Blu-Rays. You have the option to convert them into whatever format is needed for the device you want to play them on because YOU OWN THE MEDIA and can do what you want with it.

    Be the change you want to see. Cancel Netflix and Spotify. Buy CDs and DVDs/BDs. Build a local collection and have DRM-free content on all your devices that will be available to you for the rest of your life rather than for the rest of the month.

  • None. It’s stupid to have to pay monthly for access to someone else’s content collection when I used to be able to buy content for life and build my own collection, so now I either stream things for free on unofficial sites or download them via unofficial sources. I’ll still buy CDs and DVDs occasionally but streaming is bullshit and I’m not playing along.

    Most of my media consumption is gaming. I’ll happily pay for games, but not for subscription based games, cloud based games, or game library subscriptions like Gamepass. I want to keep what I buy. This “you will own nothing and be happy” future is a dreadful one.