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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yes, you are right. And I have already expressed my mea culpas and understanding it was a shitty thing to say. I’m not really sure what else to say.

    It sends up a lot of red flags that you are an unstable and dangerous person incapable of controlling their emotions.

    All the more reason I would like my meds to not be interrupted by some company’s profit margins.

  • Optum does that, too. I’ve had to do it on a number of occasions. The source of my frustration there is if I’m having to call in and go through that process on a regular basis, I should just be able to get my meds from the pharmacy they end up sending it to, anyway. But that would make too much sense, so of course it’s the last thing they’d allow me to do.

  • I’ll have to look my meds up on there and check out their details. I’m hoping they just won’t be that expensive at my local pharmacy across the street from my apartment, though. I’d love the convenience of just picking them up at the same building I get my morning coffee from. Which for me is the most absurd thing - I have a local pharmacy right next door, but no, we need to involve Optum and the USPS to the mix.

  • At least that works for you. I’ve never been able to get windows to respect my “active hours.” Especially on my work laptop - I work overnight, and frequently have to open up a command prompt to override the forced scheduled restart. Even though the active hours thing allows you to put in a day that starts at PM and ends at AM, something about my work day crossing over midnight apparently just makes windows shit its diaper.

    Edit: Dang, fuck me for just relaying my experience. Didn’t realize we weren’t allowed to criticize the godOS.

  • It’s fascinating to me how much someone can fanboy/fangirl over a simple computer OS that you’ll straight up smear the facts in favor of your argument. It’s fucking software, use what you want and chill the fuck out. So windows hasn’t forced you to restart because you shut your computer down every night. A lot of people don’t do that since we may still have other processes running while we’re not at the PC. In those cases, windows absolutely will force a restart, and usually at the most inconvenient time. You don’t have that problem because you don’t need your PC to be running overnight, so you shut yours down which mitigates the forced restart issue. And you know that’s what’s happening or you wouldn’t have mentioned it. So stop arguing in bad faith and come up with an actually relevant argument if you’re still planning on being worked up over what OS strangers on the internet use.

  • In high school I got my laptop replaced under warranty. Whatever they sent me, the service ID tag apparently had the number for a business machine or something because I always got routed to the business support techs after that. They always seemed a little confused when they found out I wasn’t a business owner/user, but supported me anyway since that’s where the service ID for my machine got me. Support was infinitely better. Actual techs who clearly were not reading from a script. Based out of the US or Canada so no frustrating language barrier caused by your support base speaking a completely different language from your user base and having apparently the minimal amount of training in English. I could just tell them I’d already run diagnostics and had an error code for them, and they’d take it from there without wasting my time repeating the same troubleshooting I’d already done. The contrast between the two levels of support is astounding. Dell clearly gives zero shits about supporting home users.