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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Lawnchair is almost exactly like Pixel Launcher except you can do things like remove the search bar, change the icon counts, and stop the app tray search bar from searching the web (or switch it to another search provider).

    I’ve been using it for months and couldn’t be happier.

    Incidentally, it wasn’t until about 10 minutes ago that I realized “Lawnchair” is just “Launcher” if you pronounced it in a French accent.

  • I just switched to HeliBoard. I was using OpenBoard, but I don’t think it was getting updated. The worst part of OpenBoard was it would autocorrect email addresses, so it would turn myemailaddress@gmail.com into “my email address mail come” or something, and if I forgot to hit delete right after it did so, there was no way to undo the autocorrect. HeliBoard seems to recognize the @ and stop autocorrecting it.

    I just discovered that HeliBoard has an undo button! I can’t count how many times I’ve deleted whole sentences or paragraphs by accident while editing a large block of text.

    It has a bunch of other new features and preferences that OpenBoard doesn’t have. For instance, you can swipe up/down from the keyboard in the same way you can swipe left and right to move the cursor.

    It just needs an emoji search.

  • Get EasyTether for your phone ($10) and you can USB tether to any PC that has the companion app installed (free).

    Even a Raspberry Pi works. I have a Pi configured to broadcast as a WiFi AP, so I just plug in my phone via USB and I have instant WiFi for all of my devices. Takes a fair amount of configuration to do that, but there are tutorials online. Much easier just plugging your phone into a laptop for internet on just that laptop.

    Or maybe a laptop can act as a WiFi AP, too. I do know Windows can share internet out a free Ethernet port very easily.

    I use a VPN so my wireless provider doesn’t see Windows update or Stream downloads, etc.