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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah it would be good if more communities and instances chose to enforce setting a language, they can do that by excluding unspecified from their community which will disallow people to make posts there that don’t have the language set. Obviously nothing can be really done for posts that don’t set the language, as well as for most apps which don’t set the language whatsoever, or have really weird ways of doing it.

  • Yeah I just want to make sure people know so they don’t get their hopes up and get disappointed or frustrated that it doesn’t act like personal defederation.

    That is very likely what I’ll use it for as well, since I basically stopped browsing all due to the NSFW communities who’s posts would pop-up randomly in it, sometimes even unflaired 😬.

    filter out instances that are in a language I don’t speak.

    I’d avoid that as it’s a bit overkill and many of those instances may also have English-speaking communities. A better solution is to exclude the languages you don’t speak from your settings so the posts and comments won’t appear for you.

  • Just don’t be too excited since it only blocks communities on instances, not the users on it.

    Excerpt from Join-Lemmy.org

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

    It’s still definitely useful, but it’s not as great as it’s been hyped, and won’t solve the spam problems from specific instances.

  • That is a fair point, and I would agree if the only people calling for threads defederation were the snowflakes (the overly sensative opininated users you speak of). However many people have highlighted important reasons why threads federation isn’t a good idea.

    Reasons such as:

    • Embrace Extend Extinguish Concerns (Already discussed in great detail elsewhere I won’t beat a dead horse)
    • Facebook has a very bad track record when it comes to shady and malicious practices
    • Facebook has a very poor track record when it comes to effectively moderating spam and hate speech

    So while there are some bad and dumb reasons people argue for defederation there are legitimate concerns over this and threads.

    Side note (also a bit of a rant):

    I feel like the sensitive snowflake users ruin it for people who have legitimate and valid concerns, they undermine efforts to make spaces better because people are so used to dealing with them that when a person brings up something that could be a problem or should be addressed the default response is to dismissively just tell them to block users or instances, under the assumption that a user is one of those snowflakes. (It happened back with the Rammy situation, when the user posted to alert the fediverse that their instance was rogue).

    Personally I feel like there should be more severity when it comes to users who make false/opinionated claims so that any claims in general aren’t treated as false or non-credible by default, but I also realize that would be difficult given the size of the instance and also isn’t really my pace to decide since I’m not responsible for user moderation outside of my own communities or ones I mod in.

    Just some things to think about. Also sorry for the late response, been having trouble on my Lemmy app. I guess better late than never though (lot of times it is never when I’m late to check or respond).

  • From the changelog:

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

    Not how instance blocking seems to work in 0.19, it’s the equivalent of community blocking, won’t affect users or their posts. So not a replacement to defederation or moderation.

    This stance is very weird since it implies that users are entitled to something on a server we don’t own or control, but really we’re as entitled to federation as we are to these accounts. An admin can ban your account off their server forever because they felt like it, and those same admins can defederate your favorite server for the same reason. The difference between the fediverse and social media is that there are other instances with different rules you can go, and different federation stances. Your freedom is having other options.

    Plus this is made even easier given that Lemmy now has a native way to export user settings in 0.19, which definitely does make life much easier for those who wish to migrate.

    From the changelog:

    Users can now export their data (community follows, blocklists, profile settings), and import it again on another instance. This can be used for account migrations and also as a form of backup. The export format is designed to remain unchanged for a long time. You can make regular exports, and if the instance becomes unavailable, register a new account and import the data. This way you can continue using Lemmy

  • Want to say this because the release notes make it perfectly clear. Instance blocking is not and cannot be considered an alternative to defederation.

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

    Not a replacement for defederation, it’s still needed to keep instances healthy. Plus the fact that Lemmy doesn’t really even have blocks, they’re just mutes called blocks (which are only useful under the assumption that the blocked account is innocent, and the blocker is just having a fit or doesn’t have credibility), if we had a way to restrict malicious users then I would say being more hands off isn’t that bad but as it stands there isn’t so defederation and moderation is still important and can’t be substituted with blocking.

  • Intellectual property is still property, and the value of that property pretty much depends on the ability to control the distribution of copies of that property.

    When you phrase it that way you show that it’s artificial value based on their ability to bully and strongarm others into submission. Which is exactly what massive corporations do, sometimes even going the extra mile even though they know they won’t get money out of it (Nintendo does this exact thing).