• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I switched to Microsofts keyboard because of this.

    The Google one used to be perfectly fine when you wrote multiple languages in a single sentence.

    These days, even if I just write dutch, french or english (or, not and), it does absolutely idiotic autocorrects.

    Don’t have that issue with Microsofts keyboard.

    Also, the google one has become very laggy for me in certain apps, especially on my tablet. If I try to comment on a Youtube video, it takes a good 30 seconds before I can actually type anything.

  • Because pirated versions will be running a VLK license while there is no VLK subscription on file or run a KMS software to fake the authentication of licenses.

    Or in some cases, just run pure unlicensed and Windows will tell you on the desktop itself that the copy is unlicensed.

    If inspected, you have to prove you have the correct licenses.

    In some cases you’ll be allowed to just buy the licenses there and then, but if you’ve been running dozens of unlicensed copies or dozens of straight up illegal copies (with faked/cracked/stolen licenses), they’ll put the hammer down and you’ll be audited in detail to the point they’ll end up billing AND fining you for every piece of software you’ve used in your entire history.

  • I was once hired at a company to get them ISO compliant (8001, 27001 and various other certifications specific for data storage and handling for banks and healthcare).

    First thing I did was run inventory on all hard and software and it was quickly clear they ran 50 something unlicensed Windows and Office copies, 3 unlicensed Windows Server copies, 2 unlicensed Exchange copies, a whole bunch of unlicensed Winzip copies and on and on and on.

    The typical with small to mid sized businesses.

    You absolutely need to get your licensing in order if you want to get those certifications, especially the banking and healthcare data ones.

    I made them a list of everything we’d have to acquire to be in order with that part.

    They refused. They refused to the point of telling me “it’s not working out and we’re letting you go”.

    So, yeah, that’s how you get Microsoft to hear about a company running a couple hundred unlicensed products :)

    They never got their ISO certs and downsized considerably a year or two later.

  • When Netflix and Premium came along, I switched from pirating literally everything to finding that I had access to everything I wanted to watch between 15-30€ a month combined. Cheaper than a TV sub here costs (and a TV sub here didn’t have the shows I wanted to watch).

    Then the whole streaming market fragmented with every jackass on earth starting their own and removing a buttload of content from Netflix and YouTube.

    Resulting in that if I wanted to watch everything I want to watch, I’d be paying north of 150€ a month.

    So I pulled my wooden leg and dead parrot out of my closet and resumed pirating.


  • Mitt Romney earned some respect in my eyes.

    The man was the worst of the worst in business, he pretty much popularized Vulture Capitalism with Bain Capital.

    And while he was a GOP politician expressing plenty of political positions I don’t agree with, setup social healthcare in his state, was the only one to vote to Impeach Trump and before J6, he messaged Mitch McConnel telling him he was concerned with what he heard the far right element was planning for J6 on social media and hoped that Mitch was doing something about it, BECAUSE HE WAS CONCERNED TRUMP WOULDN’T AND WOULD INSTEAD SPUR THEM ON.

    While his politics weren’t my thing, he did do his best to stand on the side of good and decent, in a party where those are entirely alien concepts.