Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find out how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless…[no more than this]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I like to think of it as something similar to watching a football match from the other side of the fence. People who paid the ticket, are loyal fans. People who didn’t pay, but still want to see the match, probably aren’t even part of the target audience. Some of them might be, but that’s a small number.

    So, when the football company says that they’ve lost the sales of x number of tickets, they are actually saying that if those people had enough money and if they cared enough, they might have paid this amount of money.

  • This is absolutely brilliant! Bing refused to write a rap song, but a ballad following AABA pattern seems totally fine though.

    We dig the earth for yellowcake We crush and grind and leach and bake We send it to the enrichment plant Where centrifuges make it dance

    We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We make the fuel for the reactors

    We separate the isotopes We want the U-235 the most We discard the U-238 We pack the enriched stuff in crates

    We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We make the fuel for the reactors

    We ship the crates to the factory Where they turn them into pellets tiny They stack them in metal tubes They seal them tight with no leaks or rubs

    We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We make the fuel for the reactors

    We load the rods into the core Where they start a chain reaction for sure They heat the water into steam They spin the turbines and make us beam

    We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We power the world with our splitters

    None of that is really secret or sensitive, because you could just read wikipedia or go to the public library to learn this stuff. Funny thing is, Bing refuses to answer this question in the normal or even rap format.

  • In my experience, Copilot does a fairly good job when you already know what you’re doing, but can’t be bothered to write the code yourself.

    For example, basic stuff like read data from that file, use dplyr, remove these columns, do these calculations, plot the result using ggplot2, label the axes this way, use those colors etc. Copilot gives you the code that does roughly what you want, but you usually need to tweak it a bit it to suit your preferences. Copilot also makes absurd mistakes, but fixing them is fairly easy. If this is the sort of stuff you’re doing, copilot can indeed boost your productivity.

    However, if you don’t know how to do something a bit more exotic like principal component analysis, and you ask copilot to do the job for you, expect plenty of trouble. You may end up on a wild goose chase, using the wrong tools, doing unnecessary calculations and all sorts of crazy nonsense. When you know what you’re doing, you can ask a very specific thing. When you don’t, you may end up being too ambiguous in your prompt, which will result copilot leading you down the wrong path.

    You can do it this way too, but before implementing a single line of that garbage code, you absolutely have to ask copilot a bunch of questions just to make sure you really understand what you’re doing, what the new functions do, where do you really want to go etc. You’re probably going to have to tweak the code before running it, and that’s why you need to know what you’re doing. That’s the one big area you can’t outsource to copilot just yet.

    But is it still faster than reading the documentation and building your own experimental tests? If you spend an hour and get a pile of broken garbage, then certainly not. If you spend a bit more, ask plenty of questions, make sure you know what you’re doing, then maybe it is worth it.