• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This could be this decade’s Citizen’s United. Neo-liberalism especially among the court has been whittling away at the economy of regular people and the ability of the government to regulate business since at least the 70’s. Privatization never stopped or even abated, regulatory capture has been common, and businesses themselves write the bills for the congresspeople whose campaign they bankrolled to pass quid pro quo. We already have a severe lack of regulation and now we’re going to have no regulation. We just handed the entire country over to a class of gangsters whose morals are exactly the same as Donald Trump’s but wield a much greater degree of violence domestically and worldwide.

  • The GDP is completely irrelevant to the vast majority of people. The difference between perception of economic barometers like this one is that people used to have more faith in capitalism and it has become so painfully clear that this faith is unwarranted. In the past, people in desperate financial situations could easily delude themselves that they were temporarily embarassed while everyone else in the same situation was probably just lazy. Now people are starting to realize the system is causing it and are much less willing to eat the table scraps thrown to them during times of “economic prosperity.”

  • In 2016 Hillary Clinton funded the Donald Trump campaign in hopes to bolster elements of the Republican Party so dangerous that voters would be forced to vote for Democrats under duress. This is the culmination of the DNC strategy since now under duress we must materially support genocide to prevent immediate physical danger from a lawless rogue government who would also continue that genocide.

    In 2010 the ability for the United States to exist democratically was ended through the Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision. Democracy can’t withstand the full unimpeded force of capital determining the potential candidates for the people to vote for and writing the bills those candidates vote on. This is aside from the fact that the better funded congressional candidate wins election over 90% of the time, and while this correlation does not prove causation, a different correlation is that congressional voting behavior strongly correlates with the desires of campaign funders and correlates not at all with the polling of their constituents.

    Voting for Biden under duress at this time is probably necessary (at this point it seems clear losing the election to Trump is not their greatest fear), but unfortunately if we hope to salvage this system more is required of people than voting. I’m not sure if actual non-fictional human beings are capable of what is required right now, so hopefully whatever this system turns into can eventually be overcome and not replaced by something even worse.

    All this to say Trump being a king bastard doesn’t negate Biden also being a king bastard who has probably done more damage to peoples’ lives and the health of our society just with the Crime Bill than anything Trump did. Trump has promised to do worse than any president of the last few decades has done and since the ever increasing stress levels in our culture are causing more of us to lose our minds, explicit fascism (Christian Nationalism is our openly fascist movement) is now a possibility in addition to our existing issues of racism and capitalism. Preventing the worse case is not saving anything and also won’t prevent the possibility of a worse worse case in the future. Everyone voting for Biden is doing so against their will. Trump, having cult charisma, has a number of delusional sociopaths who support him. Winning this election means winning the prize of more of our humanity being commodified and a continuation of old fashioned school of “do it or I’ll kill you” in international relations with countries with a non-white majority. With the internet, information is freer than ever and that appears to be having some effect, so if I have any hope it’s that we will hit a tipping point which causes the majority of us to peacefully transition into a system less vulnerable to corruption.

  • The fact that this view is taken for granted across most of the American political spectrum has weirded me out since my first “economics” course in highschool which was well into the Clinton-Reagan neoliberal consensus era.

    The classic argument for privatization is that competition benefits the consumer which while intuitive is simplistic. For “natural monopolies” such as utilities and road infrastructure this argument clearly doesn’t apply. Since there isn’t even a plausible explanation for why this kind of deregulation is good, lobbyists and businesses have simply adopted the strategy of repeating that “deregulation is always good” so often that it becomes “common sense.” Our Overton Window is a complete joke.

  • There are many claims to be skeptical of in this article; I had to put a disclaimer in the body of my post under the link. That was the first red flag which went up for me as well. The reason I posted it was as an insight to how Israelis view the situation from their Haaretz-reading left. I was reading through many articles in their paper yesterday and this one seemed like the most relatively helpful to better understand the parties in Israel other than the outright bigots and denialists whose motivations are easier to understand.

    Edit: I mean the above as in the difference between a proud right-winger who is openly and proudly bigoted who argued they are justified vs those who have convinced themselves that there is no alternative but to go along with the bigots while recognizing the bigotry is not justified. There are clear parallels here in the US of course.

  • For anyone who uses these summaries, I think the rest of the Ramallah story is important to include. The following are the next few sentences after that one:

    The trio was later summoned by an Israeli officer. According to artist and exhibit organizer Sliman Mansour, an Israeli officer told him, “It is forbidden to organize an exhibition without permission from the military, and secondly, it is forbidden to paint in the colors of the Palestinian flag.” The officer mentioned a watermelon as one example of art that would violate the army’s rules, Mansour told The Associated Press last week.

    In protest, people began to wave the fruit in public.