Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • @t3rmit3

    I tend to vote most idealistically in local races, and most strategically in top line races. With local ones I can also have an outsized impact on the folks who are voting in those races by volunteering or even just (at minimum) talking positively about a given candidate to those who are on the fence or those who vote but don’t spend the same time I do researching positions. It’s my feeling that producing a major shift in policy is most achievable by a surge in local voting, due to the brittle nature of political strategies that rely on low engagement.

  • Let me start off by saying that as a 39 year old cis white guy, I have struggled with reconciling the gender based expectations I was raised with and the reality of the world. I won’t lie - I have also grappled with the notion that I am part of the problem in part because of how some people opine on the matter.


    Men build social order, liberal democracy, and nearly everything else women take for granted that let them live happy, healthy, and cozy lives.

    and this

    Without men society collapses. Who is going to do all the real dirty jobs that keep the world moving

    and this

    trying to get power back on when her husband dies from an early heart attack from dealing with her BS all day.

    is the patriarchy. The assumption that because they have been historically barred from equal treatment, women are inadequately equipped to participate equally is an inherent part of the problem and one which you and I can change for the better. Yes, a small number of extremely wealthy people are driving many of the levers of social inequality but the solution is not to turn on another group that’s suffering under the same dehumanizing pressures. Acknowledging their struggles - like lacking bodily autonomy, or being shamed for being the victim of assault, or being punished professionally for raising a family - doesn’t diminish or delegitimize your own struggles. Railing against them only serves to drive wedge issues that divide us so we have less ability to organize against the few that profit off of our disunity - don’t do their dirty work for them.

    Tl;dr - don’t say sexist shit. It’s not okay

  • I can’t speak to the degree that scale impacts tackling this on a state by state level, but it’s exciting to see New York’s plan. Massachusetts seems like a state that could expand existing programs to match it, and I think it’s reasonable to expect that California would make moves if NY’s bid is successful.

    There’s a chance of bipartisan agreement to allow insurances across state lines if progressives are willing and able to push for their state legislatures to look for interstate compacts on insurance pools and policies. I could see smaller or less populous states getting on board with larger states to further spread costs and populations, which could bring better outcomes to rural populations as well. Once a few states band together and work out kinks in administration it could be much more attractive as an option for additional states.