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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m kind of the same in regards to this bullshit. Of all the crazy shit I’ve seen during my time on the web; I have never crossed any CSAM. Am I lucky?.. probably yes. But is someone(s) being fucking trash and deserves a slow horrible dismemberment, like I’ve seen online before… I also say yes

    They’re trolling with that shit, which means they can find that shit (which I haven’t come across in my almost 30 years of interwebs use)… and I don’t give a shit about “the point” they’re trying to troll; because they’re contributing to it, at the end of the day. They think they’re fucking HaXzOR fuckwits, that found an easy way to cause turmoil?

    Welcome. To. The. Fucking. Internet.

    Keep that shit up, and they’re gonna get got. It’s low effort, beyond fucking despicable, and they deserve to rot for even entertaining that approach. And they SHOULD be fucking scared; cause they’re on everyone’s radar, and I can promise you that they’re not as fucking smart as they think

    It means to me that they’re fucking dumb, (beyond) degenerate, and that they WILL get absolutely fucked by the majority, if they don’t slink back to their fucking gutter… and quick. I can promise you that people who give a shit about it and can do something… they’re already hunting them down. It’s like the type of person that thinks “swatting” people is “LoLz”, until they end up in “pound me up the ass” federal-fucking-prison, because they can’t conceive the fact that they’re not the only one(s) who know how to “use the interwebs”

    Fuck around, piss off the right people, and find the fuck out. Think governments don’t have the resources to find your ass, when enough reports have been made? Their days are fucking numbered in my eyes, if they don’t backstep… but they’ve already opened a door to be found, so good fucking luck.

    So, will I stay the hell off Lemmy? Nah. Just don’t sort “by new” for now, until they inevitably get cornered. And they better pray they get cornered by the authorities and not by someone(s) who’s got the time to ruin every inch of their being.

    Fuck terrorists. And fuck them. Any shit I see is going straight to the proper authority; and the authorities aren’t dumb. And with enough reports?.. they’re gonna go for the source, not the unwilling bystander(s).

    This is a feeble attempt at division and fear. Fuck fear… and good luck. Best hope they don’t get caught by the hands of someone who’s better. They’re “playing an ace” when they don’t know a god damn thing about cards

    Don’t sort by new for now; I don’t wanna see that shit either. But I’ll be damned if I scroll on by (if I do see one) without helping the hammer get slammed down on them. Just a matter of time for those little bitches, if they wanna keep playing with fire.

    Fuck them, they should be scared. I’m good here.

    And I’ve got time. Fuck it, I’ll make time just to watch them burn. I’ve dealt with enough bullshit in my life, that I have the energy to contribute to any small bits that I can.

    They should be the ones cowering; not us. They made the mistake and I hope they reap what they sow

  • Equity. I just don’t know how we’ll ever achieve it. A common enemy of the human race, maybe? We’ve already perfected fighting each other. Maybe if a “physical something” were attacking us, that we could kill; we might find a little more “human camaraderie”.

    Put a scooby-doo-type mask on climate change, so we can have something physical to try and punch. But “Jinkies! It was something intangible this whole time!”.

  • Speaking from the US, so please forgive my underlying bias:

    If we could figure out how to actually maintain a “separation of powers” maybe we could actually have a little more “for the people, by the people”. And I don’t mean it as just a US standpoint (though I am quoting our doctines), because I do believe that those ideologies have merit. But here I am in the US, still “wondering” how “separation of church and state” can’t be (and never truly was) maintained.

    People hold the power AND people need to be held accountable. I really wish we could find a way to balance that appropriately. Maybe simply throwing around a few more “-isms” could fix it (the last sentence is sarcasm)

  • I’d rather my taxes go to public services than being diluted into the pockets of middle-men. Publishers are still be valuable, but they have to adapt like everyone else. Education, healthcare, and information… sounds like a recipe for too much equality; better to stomp that out and continue forth, like the term “future” doesn’t exist for everyone

    Why would I want change when I’m finally getting the hang of things? That sounds difficult and scary, and I might have to adjust my lifestyle… and for what? Other people!? Morals!? Justice!? We already have those, otherwise I would’ve never made it to where I am today… backslash-fucking-s

    If democracy wasn’t constantly undermined by greed, we might actually solve real problems. But problems are too far in the future for me, when I’ll no longer be alive to care. Continue status-quo than, nothing we can do

  • Now that’s a discussion, and I appreciate your pragmatic response. The issue seems to be the flaming that is currently happening. Hopefully it cools down, and we can all resume our daily beliefs in a rational way. Right now, it looks like a clear brigade. A fear response to opposing views is common; but you don’t get people listening by asserting that what you believe is correct.

    Better to defederate until an understanding can be established about code of conduct. Currently, it looks like a heap of comments that aren’t helping the matter.

    From hexbears own announcement, they’re trying to tell their users that defederation can happen if they don’t play nice. And here we are with users creating discourse because of pre-emptive defederation… and it isn’t helping their cause. Defederate and let it bump, it’s not their instance to moderate. They won’t even allow federation to other instances themselves, without admin approval. How is that fair? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… it’s probably a duck.

    This looks like and sounds like targeted ideology, that isn’t receptive to opposing views. Show good-faith to actual discussion and it wouldn’t be a problem. But just look at the comments and see for yourself that this isn’t good-faith, it’s a thinly veiled attempt at a brigade. And you can ignore the comments and look at the announcement itself: they’re trying to keep their users in-check (from the get-go) for polite discussion, but have already failed

    If you don’t like my opinion, good! Let’s talk about it, cause there’s plenty of ways to do so, outside of lemmy.world. That’s how it works, and people being mad is not going to change it. Kindness and logic will

    We all know the world’s fucked up, we don’t need another “saint” telling us they have the solution. We’re all pretty freaking over any final solution that anyone has to offer