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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Sir if you will simply fill out this form in triplicate…

    And initial here, and here, provide your SSN#, yes and bank account and a credit card number there, and mother’s maiden name yes, and provide rights to the soul of your first, second, and third-born child…

    Then you are all set! Oh wait, now just watch this advertisement, and this other one here, and this other one here, and also this other one, and we will allow you to save… hey, where are you going?

  • It isn’t just a language, but it is a language - as it eventually gets around to saying, but it starts off by saying that it isn’t, then later corrects itself to say that it is, etc. I feel like the focus of this ignores the historical context of what C was written to be for - at the time there was like Assembly, BASIC, Fortran (?), other long-dead languages like was it A and/or A* or whatever, there was a B language too! (developed by Bell Labs, if Google can be trusted these days), etc. - and C was developed to be better than those. So saying that like it lacks type conversions is very much missing the point - those were not invented yet. A lawn mower also lacks those, but it’s okay bc it doesn’t need them:-) I am probably nit-picking far too many points, I suppose to illustrate that the style of the article became a hindrance to me to read it b/c of those reasons. But thank you for sharing regardless.

  • Assembly was my first language after BASIC - I know I’m weird, and I’m okay with that:-). Tbf it was for a calculator, so simplified. Any language ofc can go off the deep end in terms of complexity, or if you stick to the shallows it can be fairly simple to write a hello world program (though it took me a month to successfully do that for my calculator, learning on my own and with limited time spent on that task:-).

  • Omg that is an amazing, heart-warming story, thanks so much for the update on it. I suspected he would - he seems like he genuinely cares, rather than e.g. being out to merely make money or get fame or “power” or some such by having his channel (Innuendo Studios).

    Nobody can be correct 100% of the time, at least on the first pass, but if we are amenable to correction when appropriate, then how could we not end up being correct, eventually!? :-D

    It’s so great also that he’s an ally for neurodivergence too, as well as being committed to Truth in general.:-)

  • That is so awesome. Yeah I admit I got emotional myself when you seemed to come out swinging in an adversarial stance against my favorite YouTuber. You are learning how you want to structure your journey and receptive to feedback so you will go far I believe, and I hope you remember that he is like that too so you should share that in common:-). A lot of people would be allies who, perhaps bc of their disorders and/or how raised by their parents, struggle with articulating their points in a manner that others can readily accept. Maybe he does sometimes. Maybe you do too. Definitely I do. It’s maybe important to not alienate them and rather reach out to share and even celebrate our common ground!?:-) 🥳 I hope he does that for you. But either way, stay strong my human.

  • I have seen worse - e.g. when Donald Trump had some “lawyers” write up a brief to defend his actions during the second of two impeachment trials, which somehow misspelled the USA as “Unites States of America”. It makes sense that he misspells his own name and such on social media - we don’t bother as much with that stuff here (though in that case the site was the one that at the time was still called Twitter), but in a legal briefing for such an important issue, which will go into the permanent record of the the entire nation, and indeed the world, we normally expect better!?

    Hence, the attitude of the Greek philosophy of stoicism comes to mind: we cannot control others, but damnit we should control ourselves! e.g. when we see such things, pay attention to how they signal us that the content is click bait that even the author didn’t put much effort into, therefore we should not either:-P.

    Which only makes me love Innuendo Studios all the harder, by virtue of its being so rare to have such depths and clarity of thought as well as superb execution.

  • There is a bunch of odd things on that page that make me distrust, if not its journalistic integrity, then at least its fact-checking ability overall - e.g. nowhere does it ever describe what “NPD” means (an extremely basic rule in all professional writing: always define abbreviations upon first use, even if only via a link to something like a dictionary page), and this next one is more just odd but on a mobile site they have disabled zooming in on the pictures to read them more easily. i.e. despite its tone it reads like it exists more for the sake of the author wanting to vent their emotional state rather than trying to actually convey information.

    In any case, I imagine that Ian is the type of person who would receive criticism well and, if warranted, even remove that video from his site in the worst case, or else adjust it if need be. But rather than take that idea further, I will preemptively concede that nothing is ever fully perfect, and even if that singular video were to be found to have problems with it, it would barely budge my opinion of the overall series of videos, which have quite a bit of weight behind them given their number and overall high quality of content. i.e., one video is not nothing, but neither is it everything. Also, on general principles, since when did one data point ever define a “trend”?

    If discussion of politics is not to your liking, there are many other topics on his YouTube page, even if the Playlists page does not make that immediately apparent. e.g., feminism, art critiques, especially about video games and some older ones about movies, and more. One I HIGHLY recommend is this: https://youtu.be/R943_eAvnWw?si=dqjL7WtKZAM-W3iS about the nature of “protagony”, consent regarding artificial entities and what that may imply for us all (warning: while not technically NSFW, still caution may be advisable). Also, a metric shitton of videos about games, games, and more games.

    Here is perhaps long past where I should have added that I do not always agree with what he says. But that literally does not matter to me in the slightest - I still enjoy hearing what he has to say, and especially the manner in which he dissects it.:-)