Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It may or may not… Federation being the bitch that it can be. Also, doesn’t help I’m an admin of my instance, so things tend to still show up anyway because “moderation”.
    Also the comment was in the email notification I get regardless.

    But it looks deleted on my instance at this point. Still worth addressing the other points that I brought up. Reduction of plastic by 90+% is still a very very useful thing, especially when it doesn’t particularly… or at worse minimally… hinder recovery of the metal materials during recycling.

    Edit: Just like veganism… mandating people to eat no meat doesn’t need to be the end result… If everyone just changed out a couple of meat meals a week with vegetarian options. Collectively we can make a MASSIVE difference.

    But in this case cans being so common anyway… This is massively worse because that just means bottles are fucking useless from the get-go. My house buys cans whenever possible. (honestly we mostly drink just water anyway.)

  • Seems like that’s a very commonly known fact since it’s been repeated ad nauseum. What seems to be completely missed is that compared to plastic bottles is something like 95% less plastic (probably even less actually). Also the liner can be easily separated from the metal when it’s time to recycling the can while during the meltdown process.

  • Congrats? I’m running my Plex server on enterprise hardware. There’s no onboard gpu for decoding because that’s not the purpose of that hardware. I do have a graphics card in there to do transcodes, and intimately monitor that usage. My original statement still holds. “which could be a problem if you’re CPU limited or have no GPU for hardware transcoding.”

    Transcoding may not be that accessible/useful for some people. I’d rather waste some drive space than do transcodes for every user, but that’s because I have 400TB(not a typo) of space but don’t have enough space to put in any card that takes up more than 1pci slot. In my mind throwing another 20TB drive into my configuration is easier and cheaper than transcoding. In a couple of years we’re going to be having this discussion for AV1 anyway.

    Edit: Oh, and 3-4 streams at 60fps, isn’t enough description… really doesn’t cover the most taxing part of the transcode process, which is resolution. 3-4 1080p streams is much easier than even 1-2 4k streams. Considering that content is trending towards higher resolutions rather than higher framerates, I’m not sure what you’re getting at. My T600 can do 3-4 4k streams before it starts running into problems. That should be something like 15-16 1080p streams. Considering my library, I’d still rather have the drives in a more accessible format that will direct play on more devices than transcode my 60-100mbps 4k videos. Keep the transcoding for those that really need it rather than making it the default answer.