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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • The Architects and Civil Engineers that I have known, do not consider drywall or furring strips to “structural” when designing a building. I’m going with their consensus on this matter.

    Jesus Christ, just because it can be used in non-structural application does not mean it can’t be used structurally else where. It’s also hilarious that you think we are ever going to think this has come up in a conversation before lmfao. You clearly are already taking out of your ass, but I’ll bite since the idiocy people are coming up with is entertaining as hell….

    Furring strips and drywall are both used in structural applications since they are both structural components.

    If a ceiling is strapped with them to provide lateral support and the ceiling is also cladded with drywall for additional lateral support. Congrats, both just got used in a load bearing application… I’m sorry apparently the architects and engineers you use haven’t come across this very common application?

    You clearly have no clue on the matter lmfao.

  • If the trusses were closer together you would use the 2x2 furring strips since it could support the weight. Since it can’t support the weight you need to use 2x4s so the picture isn’t showing 2x2 furring strips but if you aren’t a fucking moron you would realize that’s where they are used.

    Buddy got caught saying something structural isn’t, so now they’re throwing shit at the wall to save face. And unfortunately down in this part of the thread is all the the fucking morons.

    People in the industry would know what I was talking about, clearly it’s a bunch of people who aren’t since I apparently need to explain it in this section like people are 6 years old.

    2x2 furring strips are fucking structural and are used in thousands of uses where they are structural. Yet this moron is claiming they aren’t lmfao. You guys are fucking idiots lmfao.

  • I just realized that you’re confusing gypsum board with drywall. While they are similar, gypsum board can be used for the loads you’re describing.

    Uhh… what…? They are the exact same product. You’re gonna have to provide a link for this one lmfao.

    Are you seriously just going to throw shit at the wall and move every goalpost to try and save face now? Jesus fucking Christ lmfao.

    Due to its inherent fire resistance, gypsum board, commonly known as drywall is the premier building material for wall, ceiling, and partition syst…


    I feel like yours still going to make an idiot of yourself after this comment as well.

  • But, furring strips don’t have the integrity or quality control to be structural components.

    Why do you claim that? Lots of assembly details call them out.

    Part of why they’re so cheap is because they’re complete junk structural.

    They aren’t cheap though? Almost all dimensional lumber is paid by the board foot. A 2x2 furring strip is about 50% the price of the same length 2x4.

    Why are you being continuing to be disingenuous and still moving goal posts…? They are absolutely structural. They are used to hold up ceiling panels, which is always a load bearing structural use.

  • I’ve been defending my points about how certain components of structural assemblies are structural.

    You can also use a sheet of plywood in non-structural ways. No different than claiming that these furring strips and sheets of drywall aren’t structural. I can point out plenty of places where plywood isn’t structural, but that doesn’t change that it’s still used structurally.

    I think this thread is being taken over by people with zero education on this subject. What’s with all the insults for pointing out the painfully obvious? Oh that’s right, people don’t like being proven they are dumb and lash out as a last result. That’s right.


  • The roof can be put down without the furring strips. It might bend, but it still function as a roof.

    What…? Roof trusses go parallel with the length of the cladding panel, you require furring strips on the perpendicular to install them. Just like in a wall with the studs vertical, you need horizontal furring to install them.

    These required larger furring strips due to truss spacing.

    Furring strips are not visual lmfao. They are structural components in a lot of assemblies. Without knowing the assembly you can’t say if they are or aren’t structural, that’s the entire point I’ve been trying to make here. You aren’t the quickest one are you? I’ve pointed this out multiple times. There are thousands of use cases where furring strips are structural. To say they aren’t structural is fucking asinine lmfao.