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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The entire scalping/resale market arguably shouldn’t exist, instead tickets should be refundable within reason, at which point the organiser can issue and sell new tickets.

    I had to think about this for a minute, but this is exactly the way to handle it. Don’t allow direct transfers at all. You don’t get to pick who gets your tickets (and therefore scalping can’t exist.). But you still can refund your tickets (maybe with a SMALL fee) up to a couple hours before the event. I hope we don’t need legislation to say they have to be sold for the same price they were originally offered for. We don’t want an incentive for Ticketmaster to steal people’s tickets when a venue sells out.

  • Okay, here we go. I’m going to spit out some bullshit and home someone corrects me if I’m wrong. I’ve looked for some explanations and this is what I’ve gotten.

    Are you ready?

    The Factory Pattern.

    My understanding is that the purpose is a function to return any of several types of objects, but a specific type, not just an interface or whatever they might all inherit from.

    I think most languages now have something like a “dynamic” keyword to solve this issue by allowing determination of the type only at runtime. (To be used with extreme caution.)

    But most of the time I see the Factory pattern, it’s used unnecessarily and can only return one specific type. Why they would use a Factory pattern here and not just a plain old constructor confounds me.

    Am I off base?

  • Out of all those languages, I wouldn’t choose C++, COBOL, or Java. Go, C#, and Rust all have benefits.

    But regardless, the project exists and it’s generally better to contribute to the existing project than to rewrite it from scratch. We didn’t need two dozen Lemmy clients only for most of them to be abandoned, either. Our effort is limited, and fracturing it isn’t going to do anyone any favors.

    Lemmy works pretty well at a large scale. It’s easier and more productive to bug fix and improve on the existing project in a new language than to reinvent the demonstrably working wheel in Java (of all things) that’ll bring its own, brand new set of distinct issues.

    But hey, at least it’s not PHP.

  • If I’m looking to build skills in a new language, that language is probably going to be Rust and not Java. One of those languages has a bright future. The other is going to look a lot like Fortran in 15 years.

    I expect real performance issues with Java at some point, especially compared to Rust. The initial difficulty in picking up the language is worth it if I never have to see another Factory pattern that only returns one type. Why just use a constructor when you can use idiopathic idiomatic java?