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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldPlastic tea bags
    4 months ago

    Tire dust? Tires are generaly made from a kind of rubber, not plastic. A great majority of micro plastics that end up in enviroment and in your body are shed from plastic fabrics. If you’re really worried about limiting plastic consumption check your clothing tags for polyester and nylon. Return to cotton, hemp, and linen.

  • This reads as bait to me. You can see multiple peoples testimonies in the replies confirming that psychedelics succeeded in helping them or those they personally know, where repeated conventional therapy failed them. The long term repairing improvement of a persons mental and spiritual well-being also counts as ‘healing’ to me as well as many other people.

    In the off chance you are genuinely interested in the ‘helps fight disease such as cancer’ claim, here is a ted talk by a professional mycologist. Its about mushrooms improving the human immune system. At the end he shares the very personal story of his elderly mother developing stage 4 breast cancer basically being told she was too old for conventional treatments and was done for. Only for her to make a full recovery after taking a few medications along with turkey tail mushrooms. You can skip to 9:00 to hear the story.

    Fantastic Fungi is a good documentary on netflix if you would like to learn more, very well made and accessible to the common person IMO

    Thats all I have to say. I hope you are open minded and learn something new if you decide to check out the ted talk and documentary. If you think its all snake oil BS anyways there probably isn’t much I can say to sway your opinion. Hope you have a good one.

    1. download F-droid appstore, all apps on there are open source which by nature reduces privacy concerns and if they do have features which impact privacy there will be a warning about what it does.
    2. search through a few of the keyboard apps and find one that catches your eye, preferably one still occasionally updated within past year I found one I liked and trust but don’t have my phone with me, think it was called ‘simple keyboard’ or something. Happy hunting!

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldUnremoval of Piracy Communities
    10 months ago

    Now please unremove the shroom community as next priority. Empowering open minded people with the option and knowledge to heal themselves through the use of psychadelics (and other kinds of mushrooms that can potentially help fight diseases such as cancer) that they can grow themselves without big pharma and giving them a community to share their advice+experiences is the right thing to do.

  • Oh absolutely I buckle up pretty much every time. But if I want to take the car 2 minutes down the road and I deem it an acceptable level of risk to not bother with the belt, I shouldn’t be harassed to do so by my own machine. You boss around your tools, not the other way around. A little light on the dash should be enough, its not like I don’t know what im doing. Also our countries regulations on that may be different most cars from the early to mid 2000s here don’t ding you to death. If it indangers other peoples health and safety sure but me not wearing a seatbelt isn’t hurting anyone but potentially myself, if I end up crashing through the windshield and splattering on the asphalt thats the consequences of my own very stupid) decicion.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldNew cars are great...
    10 months ago

    Thank god I will never be able to justify paying more than 8k on any car I will ever own in my life, you rich bitches can keep your fancy 50k 30 year morgage at 18% interest ass smart cars that need 2k in maintenance the second it leaves the dealers lot. I hate being dinged to death to wear a seatbelt and consider it harassment and an invasion of my agency, let alone this BS lol

  • My current phone is going strong still and I dont spend more than 200$ on a phone period. Im pretty sure most foldable phones are still 500$+. Besides I like that my phone has a protective case in case of dropping and half of it is both scratch and impact resistant. With these folding phones they seem very fragile and scratch prone. I heard the glass over time gets creases but that was a while ago and they may have improved on that front.I had my fun with flip phones in the 2000s with tracphone, not really a new gimmick for me.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldLemmy World SysOp
    11 months ago

    Survivorship bias. the IT market is a lot more saturated now than it was 20 years ago. This person got in somewhere good early on and rode that career train. These opportunities rarely exist today unless you arre a charismatic super talented genius. I would not bet on most people being able to ever pull those kinds of numbers before burning out. Being a money chaser is not worth it in today’s world, value your health mental wellbeing and personal life equally if not more than your bank account. Live well below your means and learn how to save/invest, and find a life/career path you can feel good and satisfied in even if its not paying a whole lot. You r quality of life will skyrocket and you will have enough $ to feel secure. I worked years in industrial trade, made good cash, it wasnt worth it in the end. Just my 2 cents.

  • If only people were straight forward and detached.

    Fantasy: “This relationship is not working out anymore, it is time for a break up/ divorce so we can move on with our long term lives in a more positive way.”

    “Yes I agree let us proceed forward in a calm and reasonable manor with no screaming or anger. We shall split assets in a fair and non-childish way.”

    “Okay I will be staying in another house/motel until the house is sold, have a good one”

    “You too!”

    Reality: 5 hours of incoherent scream fighting, crying and baseless threats followed by another 5 hours of passionate makeup sex