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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s true. I think that’s just what I’m trying to say. Unions are best for most jobs but are not great for all jobs. And they do have s lot of problems younger people might not realize. Some unions are bad for stiffing younger members giving work to older more experienced guys while younger guys pay the same dues. They can become the same shit different structure. So I’m not saying don’t unionize. But I am saying make sure the union serves its members and does not become just another thing that fucks you.

    In the end I prefer things like cooperatives over unions but we’re a long way from there. But they also suffer the same old boys club. In the end I think we overlook that we’re all just evil corporation’s without power and money. In the end we should look at the culture itself because there’s a reason corruption is king

  • I had chatGPT open in a another tab and for fun i said this line to it. It responded with this and I didn’t want to be the only one to read it:

    The statement you provided highlights the importance of RAM (Random Access Memory) speed over the size of a hard drive when it comes to overall system performance. While the saying itself might be a bit simplified, it underscores a key principle in modern computing: different components of a computer contribute to different aspects of its performance.

    Here’s a breakdown of what the statement means:

    1. Hard Drive Size: The size of a hard drive (or storage drive) matters in terms of how much data you can store on your computer. Larger hard drives allow you to store more files, programs, and media. However, the size of the hard drive doesn’t necessarily impact the speed at which data can be accessed or processed.

    2. RAM Speed: RAM is a type of volatile memory that stores data that the computer is currently using or actively processing. RAM speed refers to how quickly data can be read from or written to RAM. Faster RAM speed allows for quicker data access, which can lead to better overall system performance.

    The statement emphasizes that while having ample storage space is important for storing files and applications, the speed of your computer’s RAM has a more immediate impact on how fast your computer can perform tasks and run programs. When you open an application or a file, it’s loaded into RAM for faster access. Faster RAM means the data can be retrieved and processed more quickly, leading to smoother multitasking and faster program execution.

    It’s worth noting that different components of a computer, including the CPU (Central Processing Unit), GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), storage drives, and RAM, all play important roles in determining overall system performance. The balance between these components is crucial for achieving optimal performance for different tasks, such as gaming, content creation, productivity, and more.

  • It was pretty main stream. For decades before the 90s too. But the 90s was the last decade where it was popular.

    Remember what fear grabbed the most attention. The most popular movie was usually some form of cultural warning about the spread of rampant consumerism.

    The most popular horror movies at the time were zombie movies which are symbolically a warning about the rampant spread of a virus that turns everyone you know into a mindless consuming monster that hangs out at malls. Tons of music, art and content that pointed out how bad all this consuming is.

    That doesn’t exist today like it did then. People were born into this crazy 24/7 commercialization of every inch of space they lay their eyes on. Most don’t even see that the majority of their free time is taken up by advertising and how it all erodes their ability to just enjoy something because anything you enjoy is an opportunity to capture your attention and your attention is an opportunity for someone to sell that space as a billboard.

    It was much easier to see this stuff in the 90s because that was a transitional point between mass media into this social media doom scrolling attention capital we have today. Then a new generation took over who were born into this and don’t know anything else but this.

  • You ever think about how we fully embraced the consumer lifestyle. Every minute of our life is now just an ad. From podcasts to Mr. Beast to sports. Its packaged as entertainment and fun but its all created to make us feel like we need to go buy something. Look at how enraged bud lite made people. That only happens to people whose identity gets twisted with products. People were legitimately hurt by a can of beer.

    The 90s was this last ditch anti corporate anti consumerism lifestyle that I don’t think we’ll ever see again. Sub cultures need individuals to get popular and spread the message. But the only way to get popular today is to endorse and hawk merchandise because all our mediums of communication are owned by advertisers. The only purpose all the website, social media and others have is to act as hidden ads to get us to consume so how could anyone ever make headway who opposes that.

    Hell majority of our censorship is due to ads. Companies want crisp clean PG spaces to put their products next too. They don’t want to risk controversy so they indirectly force company’s to remove anything that would create those risks.

    I think we’re fucked and its only going to get more pervasive.