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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • I’m not really worried about Biden’s age, only about his ability to win.

    I am voting AGAINST Trump and his administration. Trump is not fit for office for a number of reasons.

    Biden returned us to a level of normalcy in the executive branch; he’s performed his duties better than I actually expected, despite the GOP controlling the house and doing almost nothing legislatively for the 2nd half of his term. If Biden kicks the bucket after getting elected, that is fine; his administration will be in place, the VP will take over to serve out the remainder of his term, and in four years we will have a chance at someone else. Biden will have served his country well in that.

    Fact of the matter is, Biden isn’t going to step down, stop buggering out about his age. Six months ago to a year ago, his mental fitness was fine. Now he is finally starting to show his age in that regard, but he still cares about this country, and holds American democracy as a truth in his heart. If I hear one more old person in their 70’s (Schumer) and 80’s (Pelosi) call for Biden to step down, I will expect for people to also call for those old farts to step down, before they get Feinsteined.

    For anyone that is voting against Trump, it is simple: If Biden doesn’t step down, vote for Biden. If Biden steps down, you vote for whoever steps up in his place.

    If someone is actually fine with Trump winning, then this message isn’t for you.

  • Incumbent President almost always runs unopposed. That being said, he ran as the adult in the room to get us back from the right, and was NOT expected to run for reelection.

    True enough, but I also don’t think during the 2020 election, anybody thought that if Trump lost, at practically 80 years old, he would be the R candidate in the 2024 election as well.

    I honestly wish the right wasn’t so regressive, crazy, and having such a hold on half the country. I’d love to vote for someone else for president, but the risk of the right winning is just too damaging.

  • I wouldn’t say Trump won the debate, or that it strengthened his position.

    More the debate weakened Biden’s position strictly in regards to people’s view on his age and health.

    Trump still said some pretty awful things. He lied plenty, but some of those awful things he took credit for, and if Biden was on his game that night, he would have in the past at least, demolished Trump. Problem being he missed those openings, and sometimes changed topics mid sentence from a strong point, to topics that people see as Biden’s weak points. (like abortion -> immigration)

    Biden’s biggest enemy at this debate were unforced errors. Based on his performance at his rally the following day, and during past state of the unions when MTG and others are heckling him, he was clearly off his game, and I can only wonder what the debate would have been like if it was in the morning/afternoon instead of of late at night (or some other condition that got him back on his game).

    It’s great his performance improved so much the next day, but that won’t be seen by many people. The debate was seen by millions, including many that normally wouldn’t be reached. This was his opportunity, and he sort of blew it. Reaching those people in another form with the modern media environment and media consumption will be difficult.

    If Biden continues to run, those who consider abortion, democracy/avoiding fascism, or freedom a top issue, will still vote for him. I will still vote for him.

    If he steps down, and Gavin Newsom steps in as the democratic candidate, I’ll vote for him. (granted he isn’t part of the Primary, and there are pledged delegates for others, but those people have either already dropped out, or would get crushed by Trump).

  • We are talking about two very different things.

    The reply I responded to was about student debt forgiveness. Forgiveness does not equal payment suspension.

    Yes, his post was threaded a couple down from yours, but neither my post, nor the post I responded to mentioned payment suspension. Your reply should probably be up a post or two.

    Trump and republicans of course want the people to pay every penny, plus interest of student debt. Biden kept loan payment suspensions up for years, which is far longer than I expected. Biden is getting debt forgiveness to the people, and a large number of them, and it is making a difference. I don’t think anyone thought he would accomplish a fraction of what he has gotten done; I can only imagine what he can get done if people give the Dems a majority in the Senate and House.

    With the republicans trying to shutdown the government for their political circus, Biden has done a good job of picking his battles, and making them look like fools. It’s clear the current Republican party is incapable of governing.

  • Biden’s biggest problems are:

    -he is old (which, yeah, obviously), and the media (both sides) does nothing but talk about how Biden is old. - but starting with the State of the Union, he is showing that he is mentally still there, and plenty capable of holding office.

    -The media just loves Trump. he gets views, so they won’t stop talking about him. They don’t give Trump the same kind of scrutiny they do any other politician.

    -Biden has a Gaza problem - if Gaza wasn’t an active issue, he’d probably be doing a lot better. He has spent so long ensuring Israel receives the support it needs to continue to exist in the middle east, and they have a place after the Holocaust, that he just can’t adjust to the horrible crimes their government are committing. I understand he will never not supply their Iron Dome and other defensive measures, but that doesn’t mean he cant restrict Israeli weapon sales to just that.

    -he doesn’t talk about his accomplishments in office, and the media doesn’t cover it, so the general populace doesn’t think he has done anything. He has done plenty - in the general election campaign, they are starting to advertise these things.

    People still don’t know that he continued backing Rail workers helped get them a deal, they just remember he kept the supply chain open.

    Many student loans have been forgiven. He can’t do forgiveness as broadly as he’d like, the GOP is fighting him on that, but he continues to fight for it and is getting more. My own mother is in her 60s and has another 10+ years on her student loan - but I am hopeful his student loan forgiveness will reach her - she has applied and right now it is just a waiting game (information over the past year has been very confusing regarding what to do and when).

    I only ever hear the media talking about the negative aspects of Biden, so of course he is going to lose supporters. I just happen to follow political news more closely than the average person, so I am aware of the positive things he has done as well. Hopefully he gets the message out; Trump was awful, but he isn’t losing support - people staying home and skipping this vote because Biden isn’t ideal, is how we get Trump back in office.

  • When he was the senator, he pushed forward a lot of bad policies we are stuck with to this day. Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act and Anti-Drug Abuse Act are only a couple of bad laws he’s helped advance while in the Senate.

    His age is not of concern for me either. I’ll vote for him, because the alternative is Trump. But if the country weren’t under the threat of MAGA, Fascism, Nazis, and white/Christian Nationalists, and there were other reasonable options, I probably would vote for someone else.

  • I did watch the state of the union address, and Biden did a wonderful job overall.

    There were a few word stumbles, and his stutter came out at a point; but I know I couldn’t give an hour long plus speech, and not stumble several times. There was one spot he stopped mid-sentence to respond to a heckle, which will probably be clipped, but I cant remember the exact words.

    Republicans need to learn to just shut up during his speeches and not heckle. He is on the ball, and at his best when responding to their heckling, it makes him look good, and he gets concessions out of them every time.

    Gaza was probably the toughest segment he tackled in the SOTU; primarily that he repeated several things I’ve heard to be false, but may well be stuff that either stuck in his memory hard, or the US intelligence community has more information than the media I’ve seen, and could be accurate.

    Overall, he did look energetic, intelligent, and delivered on a lot of the messaging for what his office had helped accomplish, that people generally don’t hear about.

    If your issue with Biden is his age, or you think his office hasn’t done much of anything, I suggest you watch. If your issue with him is Gaza… likely nothing he does is going to placate you, and this address won’t change that. He clearly is for a two state system, and not anti-Palestinian, but also is anti-Hamas, and is well aware of Hamas tactics of blending in with civilians, and using them as a shield (which isn’t new, it has been how they operate for a long time prior to the current conflict).

  • I would also have concerns of if congress only requires 50% of the vote or not, but as things stand, we at least have enough who support NATO and view Russia as an adversary, that it is unlikely.

    But house republicans have proven over and over they are weak. They cave to pressure on Trump when he isn’t even president.

    To use one of Trumps phrases, Republicans got a ‘sweetheart deal’ on immigration and the border, and they gave it up over pressure from Trump to not fix the border issue if he isn’t in office. Every day the border crisis continues is on Trump, and republicans hands (I want to say house, but even the Senate caved to him).

  • I feel like when he was in office before, I recall him wanting to pull out of NATO then.

    I hope we have legislatively done everything we can to ensure whoever the president is, is not able to unilaterally pull out of alliances, and membership in the UN, and WHO, without first getting congressional approval as well, and any such action would be null, and void without such approval.

    We were a joke on the world stage when Trump was in office, and lost the trust of much of our allies. We are finally taken seriously on the world stage again, and not laughed at for our president, but we have not fully regained that trust; it is there now, but the world now see’s weather they can trust us at any given moment is depending on elections every 4 years at minimum, and our current congress is even swayed by the whims of a former president that isn’t even in office.

    The trust, standing, and soft power the USA lost from Trump’s time in office, may never return to what it once was.

  • To preface, I disagree with the death penalty in most cases.

    It may seem a strange idea, but as long as the death penalty is a thing, I wonder if there is an opportunity to instead of killing the person, provide the option (after serving a sufficient term for ‘punishment’ and/or ‘rehabilitation’) of instead killing the person’s citizenship; as an alternative, if they have dual citizenship, allow the other country the option to take their citizen back in, drop their US citizenship, and permanently make them ineligible from regaining citizenship; and in cases of only US citizenship (because you aren’t allowed to make someone ‘stateless’), allow another nation to sponsor the individual by granting them citizenship (should the person accept) and taking them in.

    The other country in such a case would be responsible for whatever further ‘punishment’/‘rehabilitation’ they feel is appropriate before re-integrating them into society. There’s only a couple thousand death row inmates in the US currently.

    I’m not saying other nations will be jumping to take in murderers, but with the high number of false convictions in the US, and risk of executing innocent people, some nations with a high moral standard, may be willing to take some people in if given the opportunity.

    Just a random thought that occurred; if it is extremely crazy sounding, I don’t know. But the US is basically a prison nation with plenty of innocent people being convicted of crimes all the time, it may be nice for there to be another option.

    Edit: Treason, and crimes against the nation, is one of those things that probably shouldn’t be allowed such an exception, because you are just sending someone who ‘committed treason’ to a place they can continue to act against your nation, that’s just not a smart thing to do.

  • Before Oct 7th… ummm… the economic pain for bankers caused by forgiving student loans? Inflation did suck for a while, but the Biden admin walked a tightrope with almost guaranteed recession below, and managed a soft landing to avoid recession (which honestly, everyone was expecting a recession). The Biden admin has a long list of things they actually have done, just their PR sucks (Biden tends to quietly work to accomplish stuff in the background, and not throw a victory parade for every little thing they do. Not that I want him to do that, I consider it tacky, but Trump does it constantly and gets all the media attention, so hopefully that changes for the duration of the elections).

    Even with what is happening in Gaza, Biden and the Biden administration are not ‘pro-murder Palestinians’.

    Bibi isn’t going to listen to anyone unless made to, this is an ambition of his.

    What I would say the Biden admin, AND CONGRESS, are guilty of, is not being heavy handed with Bibi and Israel. They have no actual power to stop it, but they do have the power of influence by enforcing our standard policies for military aid; ie: condition continued aid on not murdering Palestinian civilians/make (and show) great effort to specifically target Hamas… if not, stop selling weapons/providing aid to Israel (beyond maybe the Iron Dome).

    I do want someone younger for President, but if it’s Biden v. Trump, I’m voting Biden. The Gaza situation sucks, Israel has gone too far, and is rightfully being viewed as the villain here, but not being able to control the leader of a foreign nation isn’t reason to be ANTI-Biden, and let fascists/authoritarians come into power.

    The world suddenly acting like Biden should have ultimate control over foreign leaders is a weird new twist I did not expect. Israel has long been an important ally and partner; we do need to be firmer/heavier handed, but not so much as to turn a partner/ally into an enemy, unless absolutely necessary. Ideally, Israelis would take care of removing Bibi from power on their own.

  • Same, IANAL, but of all the things I see wrong with this specific judge, particularly in being involved in any Trump and/or political case, considering the blatant bias shown in past cases that a non-partisan judge would not make, I don’t see, or get why this would be a particularly big deal.

    I get knowing in advance what the defense will be arguing helps prepares, but I feel if something unexpected is argued, and requires more research, a request to continue the trial on another date should be submitted.

    In this case, permitting such a delay would be to Trumps benefit, and it would be best to be prepared for any such strategy, and not need to submit any such delaying requests.

    It’d be great for the DOJ if they could get the judge to disallow arguing distracting, time wasting, unrelated strategies, but this particular judge is such Trump groupie I doubt that would happen.

  • Yeah, my reading of Article 14 sec 3 is simply put he cant hold office. Doesn’t mention anything about elections or what to do if he wins an election (unless congress votes 2/3 to allow him to hold office). Up until that point it is likely a state matter for how they handle their elections, especially when it does not involve the general/federal elections.

    I’d say it likely falls under whatever “Obama wasn’t born in America, he can’t be president” if that statement were ever actually true. I don’t know the legal precedence though for people running for office that aren’t legally qualified to hold the office.

    I’m sure if he actually wins the primary for the GOP ticket, it will end up at the supreme court. Honestly this is a golden opportunity for the GOP to rid themselves of the burden that is Trump, and they would fully get to blame the Supreme Court and democrats, and scream about it til the end of time for their electorate; many of them hate having to cow-tow to Trump, and even regret missing the opportunity to impeach him and be done with him. Y’all get a second chance, and this time very little backlash for yourselves, unlike if you’d voted to impeach after Jan 6th.