He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Godot is a game engine.

    SDL, on the other hand, is not, and instead is a multimedia layer (middleware) often used for game development.

    One could argue that game engines constitute as middleware, but in reality, most modern game engines are way more than that, and instead often rely on other middleware nowadays (e.g. OpenGL, or even SDL for some). This, alongside with people mistakingly calling SDL a game engine, leads to stuff like this.

  • Me: “How do I write my own Rawinput handler?”

    Search results: “Here’s how you setup Rawinput in this competitive FPS, and look how it reduces input latency by a single milisecond! After 2-3 pages of AI generated SEO garbage full of misinformation, you might find something else besides of the official MS docs.”

    Me: “Okay, this is not working, maybe I should look for some another preexisting SDL alternative, maybe at least one of them isn’t an even bigger dumpster fire than SDL itself.”

    Search results: “Duuuude, have you heard of this game making tool, called Gamemaker? It doesn’t need coding, and it’s totally the same thing, because some people mistakingly called SDL a game engine, and now my AI hallucinates it as such. If you’re up to a bigger challenge, then there’s always Godot, or DirectX, which my AI also hallucinates being a game engine!”

  • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devStackGPT
    2 months ago

    Now it’s being trained on Stackoverflow, consider those days to be over.

    Q: Hey ChatGPT, I have issues with RAWINPUT under Windows, how do I fix it? [Insert code here]

    A: You dumdum, I see you’re using the language D, which is for cucks. Real alpha programmers use C++, as they don’t need things like memory safety (skill issue lol), and can afford multiple monitors because C++ still thinks we still only have a few megabytes of compiler memory available, so programmers still can see the header files. Want to still develop in an easier language for shits and giggles? Javascript, so your friends don’t have to deal with .exe files (evil), and the web is the future anyways.

    Regardless of that, there’s already a C++ library that can handle input for Windows and many other operating systems. Oh, it uses DirectInput 8? Well, who cares, don’t be picky, or just stop programming altogether, and leave it to the professionals. [place for a lowtiergod meme, but with the text “you should quit programming now”]

  • Funny thing is, it’s actually not that hard to get additional volunteers for an ongoing project if you’re competent enough, only recent issues are YanDev messing up a lot of things (both his game and life) which might create some skepticism towards indie devs looking for such volunteering, and people not understanding how solo indie development works and fetishizing successes without truly understanding them.

  • I had to learn that the hard way, but with a comic/manga idea I used to have.

    Long story short: I worked way too long on an idea (almost 10 years), all while my taste etc. changed. It would have been way too hard to get it working after a while without a complete revamp of the whole idea, so I ditched it completely, maybe reuse elements and character concepts in other things, including video games (yes, they’re easier to make, unless your comic’s artstyle is stickmen figures).