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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • He’s not a giant asshole, he just doesn’t sugar-coat everything he says.

    It’s sort of a defining trait in people where he is from. If we say something we tend to say it straight. He might be a more extreme example than most, but I had a good friend from the same neighborhood and he was the same.

    We grew up a few years later when he had already moved to the US, but we used to sneak smokes in the park right outside where he first made Linux. My friend lived in the same building as he had done, but he was so computer illiterate that he had no idea who Linus was. I did, though, because Linus described that place pretty well in what I believe was his first book.

  • Have fun with all that anger, it’ll really serve you to get absolutely nowhere when you’re older. See how long you can keep it up.

    Try reading some of the other stuff Faye wrote, you two would probably even agree on some things. Try that Google thing you seem to like so much.

    As for the rest, if you haven’t figured out you’re spouting basics but nobody is listening anymore I can’t really help you. You’re 30 years too late in my case, anyway. Now please stop.

  • My arguments were not about the politics per se, but rather the behaviour of human beings following said politics. If there were any chance for a leftish utopia as you describe it I’d be all for that. In my youth that was something I even dared to hope for.

    Alas, we haven’t seen anything but people taking the worst aspects of either side and using demagoguery and violence to prop themselves up so far, have we? It’s not a horseshoe, it’s a full circle, and in any case I’ve personally never heard anyone critique Faye’s writings. In fact, they seem to enjoy a pretty good reputation amongst the left in general.

    The problem is the same as it has always been; some people just want more, and they’re willing to walk over their fellow man to get it. Until that changes, nothing else will, either.

    You seem eager to lecture others, but let me ask you this: do you really think politics matter in a trench when you’re getting shot at, or when your children are starving to death? When there’s no clean water or electricity? Seems somewhat naive to me, those ideals of yours. The world isn’t that black or white.