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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • It’s not too bad. Relativity says that no frame of reference is special.

    • On earth, a second looks like a second, but a second on the moon looks too quick.

    • On the moon, the second looks like a second, but a second on earth looks too slow.

    Both are actually correct. The simplest solution is to declare 1 to be the base reference. In this case, the earth second. Any lunar colonies will just have to accept that their second is slightly longer than they think it should be.

    If it helps, the difference is tiny. A second is 6.5x10^-10 seconds longer. This works out to 56 microseconds per 24 hours. It won’t affect much for a long time. About the only thing affected would be a lunar GPS.

  • An encryption scheme is only as strong as its weakest link. In academic terms, only the algorithm really matters. In the real world however, implementation is as important.

    The human element is an element that has to be considered. Rubber hose cryptanalysis is a tongue and cheek way of acknowledging that. It also matters since some algorithms are better at assisting here. E.g. 1 time key Vs passwords.

  • The purpose is to access the data. This is a bypass attack, rather than a mathematical one. It helps to remember that encryption is rarely used in the abstract. It is used as part of real world security.

    There are actually methods to defend against it. The most effective is a “duress key”. This is the key you give up under duress. It will decrypt an alternative version of the file/drive, as well as potentially triggering additional safeguards. The key point is the attacker won’t know if they have the real files, and there is nothing of interest, or dummy ones.

  • I’m familiar with android and it’s ecosystem, as is my daughter. I’ve a personal dislike of apple, so would rather not have to deal with their systems.

    As for her current tablet, it’s still working remarkably well. Unfortunately, 16Gb of storage is extremely limiting, when it comes to installing modern apps. I don’t think LineageOS will help much with a lack of physical memory, and modern software bloat.

  • My daughter is currently 4, the steam deck is far too advanced for her to use reliably, and far too easy to damage. As it stands her current tablet is in a thick foam case, that makes it almost indestructible to normal damage. It’s also old enough that I wouldn’t be too upset if she decided to try and colour in on it, using Sharpies or snapped it in 2.

    I’m also limiting to android because that’s what I’m most familiar with, and so is she. I’ve no interest in learning the apple ecosystem, with it’s lock in effect.

    She is currently learning to read, so I need to stay ahead of her regarding cyber security and information access. Unfortunately the current tablet is so restricted on memory that I can’t install any parental control apps. I had to strip the cache from most of the less used apps, just to free up enough space to install a battery health monitoring app (accubattery).

    My hope is the next tablet will do until she’s old enough to have a phone herself. At the same time, I’d rather not throw huge amounts of money at it. It’s still a tablet for a preteen, and so could get broken very easily.

  • That looks like a good option. Thanks!

    I had completely missed that one.

    The current tablet is as fast I as I can make it. I’ve also disabled, and uninstalled all I can, to free up space. 16Gb doesn’t go far, when most streaming services don’t allow installing or buffering to an SD card.

    It’s also not had a security update since 2020.

  • Depending on the target, vaccines can allow the immune system to eliminate it before it can start multiplying significantly. For things like measles etc, this effect is strong enough to provide effective immunity. Whether vaccines can stop infections depends a lot on how you define infection. They won’t magically stop the virus being able to enter your body. They can stop them from establishing themselves and stop you becoming infectious to others.

    Unfortunately, the coronavirus family viruses are particularly slippery. Even our primary immunity from infection is often short lived. COVID is ridiculously good at both hiding from the immune system, and spreading to new hosts. The vaccine provides significant protection, but isn’t effective enough to provide complete immunity.