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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Yes, nothing is exactly like Nova. But lots of other stuff is good too.

    Then they aren’t good alternatives, they’re passable.

    Seems crazy to me that the software that’s owned by an analytics company is also the one focused on giving the user the most customization options. None of the FOSS alternatives have the same mentality as Nova. They’re all focused more on minimalism, or evoking Pixel, or pushing a specific niche type of interface of their own design. None of them provide anywhere near as many tools to the user.

    If I have to use a closed source app provided by an analytics company just to get a launcher that actually empowers the user, so be it. Maybe more of the FOSS alternatives could start taking note of why Nova is the most popular.

  • Agreed. Lawnchair was highly recommended, and when I tried it, I realized it’s recommended by people who were never actually utilizing Nova’s full potential. It’s basically just pixel launcher with more bells and whistles, and that’s not what I want. I use Nova because I wanted to make my own launcher that looked and worked exactly the way I wanted it to, not just be pixel launcher with some minor customizations.

  • You can stay on Nova 7, it’s not going to stop working. Nova 8 is what you want to avoid, so you just can’t let it update to a new version that will have all of the bullshit put in.

    Obviously that’s not a permanent solution but there’s no reason to throw away Nova 7 right now if it’s works for you.

    The last clean version was Nova 7.0.57

    Install that APK, redownload the Nova prime app from Play store, they work together fine.

  • Yeah I tried it too and that’s a major no go right there. The fact it’s based off pixel launcher is killing my interest out of the gate, but I at least hoped that it would provide the same degree of customization options and tools as Nova. Doesn’t look like it, and no ability to call the app drawer without swiping.

    Frankly any app that pushes gestures as the default navigation method without respecting people that just want to use buttons and taps, I can’t say I’m interested.

    Guess I’m sticking with Nova 7 until it just stops working.

  • Both Lee and Lyman retweeted a post from Libs of TikTok, which the Washington Post says has amassed an audience of millions on X, largely by targeting LGBTQ+ people. In the video, a group of students speaking over each other complain that some students at the school wear masks and pounce on people.

    This is kind of tacked on at the end. Looks like nothing actually happened or was reported to have happened, but one video of some kid saying it was happening in the middle of an argument got shared by a hate group on TikTok.

    Matter of fact, the story seems to indicate the kids wearing animal ear headbands got food thrown at them, but didn’t actually do anything except take them off when asked. So we have a student bullying another student and the bullied student is somehow the thing that got inflated into being a problem.