



  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No matter how you slice it, there’s a gap between how the economy is doing and how Americans feel about it.

    Why do they keep insisting that we are the ones that are wrong? The economy isn’t their numbers. The economy is a real thing, proper operation of which ensures well fed people.

    The purpose of an economy is to fond optimal distribution of resources for people. Ultimately it’s people that need all the things, right? Either things are materials to produce things for people, or products useful to help other products reach people.

    If the people think that’s not working, it isn’t working. They’re not just parroting what they see on the news, they’re living day by day, minute by minute in this environment. They see what day to day life costs for them. They’re wrong but the eggheads tracking the over fitted model are right? When a measure becomes a goal it ceases to be a good measure, that’s where the disconnect is. If you want to fix the economy then quit pretending your metrics are more important than people’s standard of living.

  • Yeah man, used to be you could spend like 5 or 6 bucks and get something quick. Full meal too. Nowadays I think those companies are just riding on inertia, Americans are used to eating it and still have this idea that it’s cheaper even though if you think about it for a second it’s not. By the time you pay it’s like 10-12 bucks. Meanwhile there’s a Cuban lady down the street, she has no menu, she just makes one thing each day it’s something different, whatever she wants, you don’t get to decide, you hand her 10 bucks and she hands you a little box of the most delicious surprise you’ve ever had. Why would I pick the corpo garbage over that?

  • I started living this way too. Honestly, fast food doesn’t even have a value proposition anymore. It’s not cheaper than some local family run taco or burger truck/shack, and significantly crappier. Also, the lady or guy handing you your food keeps the money after paying the cook and what not, if they’re not the cook themselves. I’d rather that than it go to frozen patty distributors and stock buybacks or whatever they’re up to these days.

    It’s marginally cheaper than a run of the mill sit down joint.

    Also soda… I don’t understand why anyone drinks that shit. I used to, then I stopped, and now when I try it it’s gross honestly. Syrup with bubbles in it. You want some, make some ginger ale, its easy and delicious. You cut up some ginger, cook it in a pot with sugar and water, let it cool, put it in a pressure bottle and pitch yeast, it’s ready in a couple of days.

    I’ve never ordered door dash or any of that stuff, as soon as I heard about it o was put off by the idea.

    You’ve got the right idea man. No lazy food. If it’s not worth effort you’re not actually hungry.