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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Nah. It doesn’t say not to plan. It says to prefer responding to change over planning. Which means both happen but responding to change is more crucial. Or put another way don’t let your plan get in the way of responding to change.

    I’m sure you were being sarcastic, but I get kind of tired of the Agile strawman and people shitting on it. It’s not a complex philosophy yet people extrapolate so much (too much) and then get annoyed when their assumptions don’t pan out well. even performing sprints is an extrapolation, so this meme gets it wrong too.

  • I absolutely love using git on the command line. I’m comfortable with the commands, and there isn’t much need for clicking since a lot of it is just typing commands, viewing files/diffs, repeat until files are staged, committed, and pushed up. Who needs a GUI for that?

    OTOH, I really like postman for constructing and templating network requests. There are a few helpful panes and forms that just fit better on one screen that I can interact with.

    To say working with GUIs makes someone a worse engineer sounds very short sighted to me. IMO the best engineers are the ones who use tools that maximize their efficiency.