• Technology Consultant.
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  • Resident of Colorado.
  • Anti-Capitalist.
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Well, time for four more years of Trump, I guess.

    When I look around the Democratic party, I see old people unwilling to change, from Biden and the DNC all the way down to my parent’s friends in their little rich white suburban neighborhood with a median age of 57 and a median net worth of $3,000,000. People who are firmly entrenched in the liberalism of the 80s and 90s and who are terrified of Trump and terrified of progressives and think it’s all insanity that also doesn’t really affect them.

    This is the Democrats’ race to lose. All they have to do to lose it is stick their fingers in their ears and fight like hell for “Business as usual.” Which is exactly what they’re doing.

  • I had a shitty old (late 60s) boss in 2008 who once interviewed a female engineer straight out of college.

    Most interviews he gave took like 25-30 minutes. He spent an hour and a half alone in the conference room with this young woman.

    After she left he said something to the team like “Sure wouldn’t mind seeing her around the office every day eh? We’re not hiring her of course. Women don’t have the head for this work.”

    This same guy had me block all news sites except Fox News (I was the IT director). He was fine with his employees reading the news as long as it was Fox (I ended up teaching a couple of my coworkers how to use proxies).