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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Partly due to the fact… lemmy itself, basically has no moderation or administration features at all…

    So, the only way to assist with that issue, is stricter enforcement up-front.

    Besides, if someone doesn’t wanna take the time to have a verified email, and literally type 49 when registering an application… I really don’t wanna take the time to worry about having to potentially worry about them being spammers/etc.

  • I never noticed outages stopping

    I am in the same boat. If it were not for these posts, I’d have never noticed lemmy world was down.

    If I post to, or put a comment on something from lemmy world, it will just federate over when it’s back online.

    If someone posts to something on lemmy world, it will eventually federate over my way.

    But, hey, everyone is gonna fuss when they decided to put all of their eggs in one basket and now, that one basket gets targeted. (metaphor for lemmy world.)

  • I am with you. It’s all a matter of convenience to me.

    Steam, does a pretty good job of what it does. As does GOG.

    Now- EA/UBI can suck a big fat one… but, steam/gog are good so far.

    Regarding media, I am with you 100%. It’s strictly a matter of convenience. Back in the 20-teens, I didn’t even have a plex server running, as netflix was able to handle the majority of my media needs.

    When, every fucking network created their own streaming service, and partitioned all of the media behind their own subscriptions, I said fuck that. The collection of linux ISOs keeps growing now.

    When it is easier for me to use plex to streaming my Linux ISOs, rather then to use a paid service- THAT is the problem. And, that is why they can get my middle finger.

  • You technically aren’t wrong.

    But, in my case, I already had all of the capacity paid for regardless. I’d say, lemmy runs me around 20-30w of load total.

    30w * 24 hours * 30 days = 21,600Wh / 1,000 = 21Kwh * 0.08c = 1.68$ per month.

    In reality, the power load is quite a bit less, and my calculations don’t account for the solar panels on my roof.

    Given, I have around 140-160T of total storage capacity, its not really worth putting a price on the small amount used by lemmy. My internet is paid regardless, and lemmy usage is typically pretty low (typically measured in Kb/s). So, not really worth putting a price here, as it averages less then 1% of my total connection.

    If, I wanted to put a price tag on it, my labor to actually support and maintain it, would be where all of the money went to.